Stop The Tiger Trade

The biggest marker right now for tiger trade is in Japan. Help raise awareness and help stop the illegal tiger trade!

The single greatest threat of extinction that looms over most Asian wildlife especially the endangered tiger, and pushes them to become endangered species, are the massive demands for traditional medicine.

The annual consumption of traditional remedies made of tiger bone, bear gall bladder, rhinoceros horn, dried geckoes and a plethora of other animal parts is of phenomenal proportions. It is believed that today at least 60 per cent of China’s billion-plus inhabitants use medicines of this type.

The booming economies and personal incomes of Southeast Asia have caused demand and prices to soar, lifting the international trade in wildlife products to an estimated $6 billion-a-year business.

Dear Shinzō Abe; Prime Minister of Japan,

As you are probably aware, Tigers are desperately in need of our help. They are becoming more endangered and extinct, and one of the major causes is the illegal Tiger Trade, and the biggest market for this is located in Japan. 

There are not many of these amazing creatures left, and they are being poached and killed to be used for medicinal purposes. It is not right, and it is not human. Animals walked the planet before humans, and we should respect them for that, and also respect the fact that they are wild animals and deserve to live in their environment in peace and harmony without the fear of humans hunting them.

Please, help us make a difference and help stop the illegal tiger trade! These beautiful creatures will not last much longer if the tiger trade continues.

I hope that you see this, and make the right decision.

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