End the “kings reign” ,Impeach Donald Trump Now

    Our country is being shredded by the money game of Trump and Musk. Key federal workers and their agencies are being gutted and closed, only for someone to go “ oops” we didn’t mean it. The newcCR, defunds essential programs,such as agriculture and benefits for veterans. Nothing good has come from having unvetted teenagers and Musk, expose,copy,possibly alter/delete,social security data,for their own agenda.
    It took Adolph Hitler,a little better than a month,to dismantle Germany,and attack its neighboring countries. He shut out and shut down media outlets This setting off World War II,and the deaths of so many Jewish,Black,indigenous ,disabled people in his quest for the Arian race.
    We have a government leader ,who is literally setting fire to our democracy,our countries resources and destroying allied relationships.
    This must end
    Impeach Donald Trump and Imprison Elon Musk on charges of data breach and espionage.
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