Apprehend and arrest the abductor(s) of hundreds of NYC cats!

  • von: Mary Witty
  • empfänger: New York City Police Department

Since September 2013, at least 300 cats (mostly feral and stray, but also some pets) have been reported missing in nearly all five boroughs of New York City. Little is known about how they were abducted, for what purpose, or by whom, but it is feared these cats may have been abducted into a black market where animal cadavers are sold for educational purposes. (Educational institutions are not implicated in this market, but are unknowingly the recipients of stolen companion animals.)

This is a petition to demand that the NYPD take immediate action to find the person or persons responsible!

Specifically, the NYPD needs to launch an aggressive citywide investigation that is centrally-led by its recently established police unit that deals exclusively with animal cruelty offenses.  

Please help us to bring these perpetrators to justice and end these heart-breaking abductions!

For more information about our organization, please visit our website ( or Facebook page (Astoria7).

To report missing cats, please email us at

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Many thanks to all for your support!

We see that some of you are also reporting missing cats. Would you kindly contact us with more details, including the number of cats, when they went missing and the neighborhood, as well as anything else that may be relevant to their disappearance? We are keeping a list that we share on our website and Facebook page.

You may email us (, post on our Facebook page (Astoria7), or fill out our online form (
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