Do not allow Sea World to use you Macy's and Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association
- von: Erika Becerra
- empfänger: Macy's, Pasadena Tournament of a Roses Association, Richard L Chinen, Wiiliam B. Flinn
Sea World belongs to WAZA. Its trainers belong to IMATA. The men and women in Taiji, Japan, who massively and cruelly slaughter and capture dolphins and small whales belong to these organizations. Sea World claims that it opposes the hunts, but does not do anything to help end it. Watch "BLACKFISH" and "The Cove" documentaries. Follow @coveguardians and @dolphinproject on Twitter for life streaming of hunts. See for yourself. Find them on Facebook. Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians and Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project. The Pilot Whale juvenile on the picture is watching and hearing his/ her family been savagely slaughtered. He/she is looking straight into the direction of where her mother and other family members were unsuccessfully fighting for their lives. He/she was terrorized back to sea along with other juveniles without any possibility of surviving alone without the guidance and protection of the adults. The deaths of these poor creatures do not count against the Japanese self given quota.
Macy's and Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association, Sea World used you. Do not allow it to use you again. Do not allow Sea World to attempt to clean its image by parading in your respective parades. Sea World refuses to create sanctuaries for the Dolphins and Orcas it has abused for so long and who have given it millions of dollars. I am part of a Worldwide Movement fighting for the poor creatures suffering in the captivity industry. We will not stop until we win for them. We want them in sanctuaries where they are allowed to live the life nature intended. Do not allow Sea World to tarnish your image for their economic benefit although that plan will not work for them either. We are educating people worldwide 24/7. The slaves are going to be free. A movement cannot be defeated. Thank you in advance, Erika
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Please keep sharing. Seaworld decided not to appear at the Rose Parade. It is probably trying to avoid PETA protesters since last year they got publicity by running to stand in front of the float. It is attending the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. I want to send Macys a hard copy petition with a 100% signature achievement mid-November. Seaworld is responsible for Taiji. Follow @coveguardians and @dolphinproject on Twitter. Thank you, Erika
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