Allow dogs of all sizes on Irish Rails!

  • von: Snjezana Frketic
  • empfänger: Mr. David Franks, Chief Executive, Iarnrod Eireann

Policy of Irish Rails only allows small dogs, guide dogs and assistance dogs.

They state on their website "other dogs can only be conveyed on Intercity services in a Guards Van (non-passenger compartment) if available (e.g. Dublin/Cork and Dublin/Belfast services only)".
I tried to book this several times and they were never available.

Other European countries allow dogs of all sizes on trains, buses, trams and other public transport for decades. I contacted several national railways to ask them following questions:
1. Which year did bigger dogs (more than 8 kg) started to be allowed on trains?
2. Number of incidents caused by bigger dogs on train per year?
3. Percentage of revenue earned from dog tickets?

Here is one answer:
1. As long as I know all size of dogs have been aloved on our trains. At least 40 years back.
2. We have no statistics on incidents with animals on our trains. I have never heard that something has happened. The owners is responsible for the animals.
3. In our company the animals travels for free as long as they go with their owner.

At the beginning of this year I conducted a little survey asking people to give their opinion if dogs of all sizes should be allowed on Irish Rails or not.

From 1735 votes, 95.6% said yes.

I sent these results, together with other useful info, to Chief Executive of Irish Rails, Mr. Franks. You can see it yourself here

Some years ago dogs were used as working animals; herding stock, protecting animals.
Today they are included in all aspects of people's lives; they are pets, emotional support, service animals, therapy animals, etc.
As such, their place is not just at home, but everywhere where their owner is going.

Irish Rails should follow this change and have its own important role in making Ireland the best country to live and travel in.

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