Congress: Don't Strip Wolves of Protection Again!
- von: Alicia Graef
- empfänger: U.S. Congress, House Committee on Agriculture
In a victory for wolves, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced federal protection has been restored in Wyoming, the Great Lakes Region and surrounding states, but Congress is already taking aim at this iconic species with legislation that will strip it away from them yet again.
Since gaining protection under the Endangered Species Act, wolves have rebounded in many areas, but they are still far from recovered and continue to be persecuted and mercilessly killed by special interest groups in states that have made it clear wolves are not welcome on the landscape.
Recently introduced legislation intended to permanently strip wolves of protection and turn management back over to the states, HR 843 and HR 884, are an assault not only on the science surrounding wolf recovery, but also on the Endangered Species Act itself.
Please sign and share this petition asking your representative not to support anti-wolf legislation.
As someone who is concerned with the future survival of gray wolves, I am writing to urge you not to support legislation that would remove federal protections from them.
Since gaining protection under the Endangered Species Act, wolves have rebounded in many areas, but they are still far from recovered. The courts have repeatedly backed up this belief, ruling in favor of keeping them protected, with two recent rulings that ordered the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the restore federal protection in Wyoming, the Great Lakes region and surrounding states.
While the restoration of protection under the Endangered Species Act is a victory for this iconic species, they have yet to return to thousands of acres of habitat in their historic range that would be suitable for them and continue to be persecuted and mercilessly killed by special interest groups that have made it clear wolves are not welcome on the landscape.
Recently introduced bills (HR 843/HR 884) intended to strip wolves of protection and turn management back over to the states are an assault not only on the science surrounding wolf recovery, but also on the Endangered Species Act itself.
I sincerely hope you will not let politics trump science and diminish the power of the Endangered Species Act to protect not only wolves, but other imperiled species whose futures rely on it.
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