Punishment for the ones who killed the dog with a walking trolley!

Bursuc (Badger), a Romania stray dog was cared for by a homeless man in Constanta who managed to build him a "trolley" so Bursuc (Badger) could walk. The dog was taken to the animal shelter and killed in the same day on May 27th. There are many articles about this case, the whole world is disgusted by what happened. "Was he killed because he was a homeless man's dog? The homeless people don't have the right to own a dog?' some people said. The disgusting euthanisia law says that dogs who get caught are kept in the shelter for 14 days. If they're not claimed, they are euthanized. Not even this is applied anymore, Bursuc (Badger) was killed in the same day he arrived at the shelter. Sign and share this petition! Let's make justice for Bursuc, one of the many dogs slaughtered by Romania!

Why did you killed the dog with a trolley? The disgusting euthanisia law says that dogs who get caught are kept in the shelter for 14 days. If they're not claimed, they are euthanized. Not even this is applied anymore, Bursuc (Badger) was killed in the same day he arrived at the shelter.Was he killed because he was a homeless man's dog? The homeless people don't have the right to own a dog? Make justice for Bursuc and his owner! Punishment for the ones who killed him!!!

Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Thank you all for the support! In less than 48 hours we've got 3,880 signatures, which is amazing! Please, share everyday on facebook, tweeter, whatsapp, youtube, yahoo mail or local mass-media sites. We must get to 15,000 signatures, and I want you to give me as many adresses as you can to Romania president, romania gouvernment and animal protection companies so we will be able to send the petition everywhere!
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