Demand Royal Caribbean Add More Vegan Options to Their Cruises

Each and every single day, millions of animals are inhumanely slaughtered. Their throats slit while still living. While still feeling all of the agonizing pain. That's why I became vegan, to save the lives of these precious creatures who have done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve such brutal treatment.
Honestly, being vegan hasn't been hard for me. On a cruise ship such as Royal Caribbean, however, it is challenging to find vegan options. Almost EVERYTHING contains meat, dairy, and eggs. Almost everything contains cruelty and suffering for animals. Nevertheless, there are plenty of vegan options which Royal Caribbean could serve. Foods such as vegan Beyond meat burgers, vegan pastas, vegan pizza, and even vegan desserts.
Vacations are fun, but no trip could ever be enjoyable knowing that an innocent creature had to go through unendurable pain for someone else's meal. Demand that Royal Caribbean add more vegan options to their menus, and save our animal friends.

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