Help remove police officers charged with animal abuse

  • von: rebecca ryman
  • empfänger: Harrisonburg, Va police department (officer Jonathon Snoddy and Sgt Russell Metcalf

Jonathon Snoddy was charged on March 8, 2012 with misdemaener  animal cruelity and fined $50.00 for beating a kitten to death,  The cat was injured by a car, but was beat 13+ times to death with a night stick while on duty.  He is still employed by HPD

The second case started on April 3,2012 when nieghbor seen a man on a bicycle shoot Sadie (and 8 month old border collie) between her eyes.  Though Sadie had got loose and was in the road witness's say she was not aggressive.  The Daily News Record and The Shenandoah Herald both printed articles and asked for info. The Sgt did not come forward until he was confronted. He was off duty and used his police issued bicycle to commit this act. Am not sure of the gun he used.   He is still on active duty.

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