Justice For The Khoisan; Stop Eskom Now

    ### 📢 Urgent Plea to Save Our Heritage! 🛑

    **Help Us Stop Eskom from Building on Sacred Ground!**

    We urgently need your support to prevent Eskom from building a substation on land that holds immense cultural and historical significance in the heart of Knysna, specifically Reenendal. This land is not just a piece of property; it is the resting place of our ancestors, the very people who lived and cultivated this land for generations.

    **The Plight of Mr. Elton Jacobs:**
    Mr. Elton Jacobs, a descendant of those who once called this land home, has taken a stand by occupying the land of his forefathers. Recently, graves were discovered on this very site, confirming the deep-rooted connection to his heritage. Despite this, Eskom is pushing forward with their plans to develop a substation, showing a blatant disregard for our cultural legacy.

    **Why This Matters:**
    - **Cultural Heritage**: The graves found on this land are a testament to our shared history and identity. Destroying them for development is an irreversible loss.
    - **Human Rights**: The South African Human Rights Commission and the Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture have yet to intervene, leaving Mr. Jacobs to fight this battle alone.
    - **Community Impact**: This is not just about one person; it’s about preserving the heritage and dignity of an entire community.

    **We Need Your Voice:**
    Join us in demanding that Eskom halts their plans and respects the cultural and historical significance of this land. Share this post, spread the word, and stand with us in solidarity.

    **What You Can Do:**
    1. **Share This Post**: Help us raise awareness by sharing this plea with your network.
    2. **Tag Relevant Authorities**: Tag Eskom, the South African Human Rights Commission, and the Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture to demand action.
    3. **Use the Hashtags**: #SaveOurHeritage #StopEskom #RespectOurAncestors #JusticeForEltonJacobs

    Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our heritage is preserved for future generations. Thank you for your support!


    **Cape Legal Community Advice Center (NPO)**
    Email: director.capelegal@outlook.com
    Phone: +27 (74) 201 8170


    *Note: This is an urgent call to action. The eviction application is set for August 12, 2024. Time is of the essence.*
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