Save Christina Lake Community Park

  • von: Simon Richard
  • empfänger: Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Christina Lake is a small town nestled within the Monashee mountains of the British Columbian interior. Named after Canada's warmest tree-lined lake, the region is known for the beauty of its natural surroundings, immaculate pine forests and spectacular wildlife. The Christina Lake Community Park is a beloved space bordering the conjunction of Christina Creek and Christina Lake, spanning approximately 16 hectares of land. A large housing development has been proposed for a particularly sensitive piece of the park where the lake meets its only outflow toward the Kettle River. This space is characterized by popular community trails neighbouring well-established wetlands, beaver dams and a variety of fledgling bird habitats. Blue herons and Christina Lake's coveted painted turtle, designated special concern across central British Columbia represent other common visitors. This space is very precious to its inhabitants and those who appreciate its sanctuary, and we need your assistance to put a stop to this unnecessary and poorly located building project. Please help us maintain the park's integrity, and keep the Christina Lake Community Park alive and well for future generations of both human and non-human species to enjoy!

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