Risky Development Proposed for St. Gabriel's School (1 Tudor Rd.)

⚠️Calling all Milford Residents...

STOP the Over Development proposed at the former St. Gabriel's School⚠️

Robert Smith, Metro Star, wants to level the remaining wooded area and build a massive high rise apartment complex.  Offering 175 units at 1 Tudor Rd.  

175 units will add over 500 people to this tiny dense neighborhood! 

It will devastate the remaining wildlife that calls it HOME!

 Take ACTION TODAY to preserve our once admired seaside community! 

Your attention is vital to save our city's once admired SeaSide charm!  

1. Sign the Petition now
2. Write and CALL the PARISH -  Draft below
St. Gabriel's Parish has not sold the land YET! They still have all the power to stop Metro Stars threatening proposal. 🛑
3. Order and Place a sign in your yard to spread the word: contact residentsagainstoverdevel@gmail.com for yours today 
4. Donate and share the GoFundMe >   gf.me/u/yc6hbd
Residents Against Over Development has fought BEFORE, They fight NOW and will continue the fight for "Milford's Preservation"
5.  Continue to call and email YOUR ELECTED city representatives
Mayor Ben Blake
Jim Quish
Robert Satti
3rd District Aldermans 
(all listed below)
6. Call your Sewer Commission and demand answers!!  Sewage Leaks into the Long Island sound! No one can deny our systems are outdated and over capacity!  ****"Why rush an approval for Metro Stars complex and spike Milford's water demands when we already have a failing water system!"****  (203) 783-3261

"Milford's Chairman Lee Cook hesitated in approving 175 units but Edmund Collier & Vito Castignoli PUSHED approval through anyway....?

**WHY the rush Edmund Collier & Vito Castignoli?**

7. Copy     ResidentsAgainstOverDevel@gmail.com
on your emails of opposition.  We must track and hold accountable 
Address: 134 Farmington Ave, Hartford, CT 06105
Cathedral: Cathedral of Saint Joseph
Phone: (860) 541-6491
Rev. John F. Brinsmade & George Sartor 203.848.7285
TWITTER Directions can be found below this email draft.
Dear St. Gabriel's Parish,
Your Flock...your community needs you! The vitality of Milford is at stake and you hold all the cards!!
Milford has long offered a unique serenity, almost untouched from the clutches of urban burdens.
It is our understanding that Saint Raphael Parish is in dire need of funds and must sell the property to satisfy its monetary obligations. However, as the archdiocese of the people of Milford will you allow their indebtedness to negatively impact the lives of its congregation? While the parish will feel a sense of relief from the burden of their debt, an entire neighborhood will suffer for many years to come.
We ask that you put Milford's future at the forefront of any decision.
If the almighty dollar wins Milford is sure to suffer devastating consequences!
Any development identical or even comparable to what Metro Star is proposing will be detrimental to your people. It will place an unimaginable stress upon those who have loved you for so long!
Metro Star and developers like them are only going to manipulate and capitalize on the sanctity of your land...our land!
Your community needs your protection more now than ever. Please do not leave Milford holding this bag!!
We beg that you place the community that loves you so very much ahead of any other temptation!

Tweet to Pope Francis  @Pontifex 

Hartford Archdiocese   @ArchdioceseHart 

 "We pray our prob is not 2 small for you!  

Our local Parish IS SELLING US OUT! 

St. Gabriel's Parish Milford, CT is in debt by their own hand & choosing the almighty DOLLAR over God's land. Please help your Parish find their way back!"



1. Email All listed in one email.  AND CALL as often as you can 

Ben Blake: Mayor@Milfordct.gov  203-783-3201

Planning & Zoning Email: planning@ci.milford.ct.us  203-783-3245

ATTN: Jim Quish & Robert Satti (3rd district elected reps)

David Sulkis: dsulkis@milfordct.gov

Joe Griffith: jgriffith@milfordct.gov

Meg Greene: mgreene@ci.milford.ct.us

Frank Smith: fjs232@hotmail.com

Marty Hardiman: mhardiman@sbcglobal.net

Connie Gaynor: connie.c.gaynor@gmail.com

2. Call them ALL as often as you can

*Make sure those faced with this decision are aware of your concerns.

3. Sign the Petition 

*Complete ALL Fields 

*It is Private and only reveals your First Name, Last initial and State


*If you truly wantto stop this you must not hide your identity!

4. Share any resources you may have or information to help stop this dangerous proposal

5. "Follow"/"Like" our Facebook page to stay up to date & informed

Reach us Via Email or on Facebook 

    Email residentsagainstoverdevel@gmail.com

    Residents Against Over Development Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/ResidentsAOD/posts/150424889908179?__tn__=K-R

     BAND together, STAND together, UNITE and BE HEARD‼️

    1. The small neighborhood Metro Star is asking to build a high rise multi family complex is absolutely not appropriate to accommodate the demands of 500 more residents to it's streets?

    2. This type of population increase is bound to bring with it overcrowding issues.

    3. Overcrowding is bound to bring with it a grave depreciation in the surrounding Property Values

    4. Home owners purchased in good faith near a lovely church and school assuming they would not lose their value.  Your voters and residence deserve protecting.

    5. The infrastructure of the area and Milford as a whole will not be able to handle such a population increase.  The services that keep us safe, healthy and clean are visually maximized.

    IE: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Health Dept, School systems, Teachers, after school programs, lunch programs, Roads, traffic, parking, Garbage services, water flow, power and the inevitable LOSS of POWER,, etc…

    6. This type of development would require expansion of roads (especially Bridgeport Ave), installation and increased amount of modern traffic lights, replacement of weathered utility poles, etc.

    7. We cannot continue to treat our wildlife as some invaluable thing to evict whenever there is a dollar to be made.  They will not survive!!

    IE: What type of wildlife is present? Are any endangered? What will be the long term effects of this wildlife loss?

    8. We absolutely ARE covering too much soft, spongy, absorbent ground!

    Irene and Sandy showed that our flood water has no opportunity to escape. These seemingly small and unrelated approvals to cover more and more absorbent ground are already adding up, shouting out warnings to us!  Our town officials need to act more conservative for the future of our City.

    9. Are more rental units needed at all?  How many comparable rental units are currently unoccupied in Milford?

    10. Robert Smith, Metro Star owner,  as of now only faced the sewer commissioners.  He calmed their concerns over water strain by promising to install "Low water usage appliances" at his already existing properties as well as this new massive unit.  We DEMAND to KNOW HOW Milford officials would even begin to monitor the replacement of these "low GPD appliances" in the future?

    11. This development benefits only Robert Smith/Metro Star Co. LLC!  They will reap MILLIONS while our City fails!

    We need you to take a stand!  Show some backbone!

    Thank you for listening and serving our community, not those seeking to capitalize on us!

     <<<< Insert Name & Zip >>>>

    Update #2vor 4 Jahren
    Did you email or call the parish & inform them of your position? We thank you for signing BUT Milford also needs you to share your thoughts with the church. They still have the power to stop this threat by putting Milford ahead of their profits! ***PLEASE REVISIT the petition for EASY instructions*** https://www.thepetitionsite.com/476/590/988/risky-development-pitched-for-st.-gabriels-school-1-tudor-rd./?fbclid=IwAR0NZbohWxg0ul7UMukAtfhItgCThUAe2rjTPc71eCU0xqcAKKGOtjdEFrk
    Update #1vor 4 Jahren
    ⏰NEW Call to ACTION⏰ St. Gabriel's Parish has not sold the land at all! They still have all the power to stop Metro Stars threatening proposal. 🛑
    See our FB page for guidance. Speak up now!!!! https://www.facebook.com/ResidentsAOD/
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