Justice for the Escaped Calf That Police Rammed With Their Car

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Surrey Police Department

In a disturbing incident that has sparked widespread outrage, a calf wandering the streets of Surrey, England, was repeatedly rammed by a police patrol car in an attempt to contain it. This distressing method of handling an escaped animal not only caused unnecessary suffering but also raised serious concerns about the training and protocols followed by the police force. We demand a rigorous investigation and significant changes to ensure that such a scenario is never repeated.

Sign the petition to demand Surrey Police conduct a full investigation into this incident and implement mandatory animal handling training for all officers!

This incident underscores a severe lack of proper training in dealing with animal-related emergencies and highlights the need for comprehensive guidelines that prioritize animal welfare and public safety. Making a "compassionate payment" to the owner for veterinary costs, as Surrey Police has offered, does not address the issues that led to this violent and unnecessary method of containment.

We cannot allow such cruel treatment of animals under any circumstances, especially not by those sworn to protect and serve. It is imperative that Surrey Police take this opportunity to reform their practices and set a precedent for other departments. Join us in demanding justice and change.

Sign this petition to ensure Surrey Police adopt necessary reforms and prevent further animal suffering!

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