Say No! to the Continued Use of Bee-Killing Insecticides on US Farmland
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will consider allowing the bee-killing pesticide thiamethoxam to be sprayed on the most widely grown crops in the U.S. The application, if approved, would allow the highly toxic pesticide to be sprayed directly on 165 million acres of wheat, barley, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, rice and potato.
The proposal by the agrochemical giant Syngenta to dramatically escalate use of the harmful neonicotinoid pesticide came last Friday, on the same day the EPA released new assessments of the extensive dangers posed by neonicotinoids, including thiamethoxam.
Quite simply, this is a recipe for ecological disaster.
A large and growing body of independent science links neonicotinoids to catastrophic bee declines. Twenty-nine independent scientists who conducted a global review of more than 1,000 independent studies on neonicotinoids found overwhelming evidence linking the pesticides to declines in populations of bees, birds, earthworms, butterflies and other wildlife.
In light of the EPA's utter capitulation in this unfolding catastrophe, we must reach out to our representatives in both the House of Reprsentatives and the Senate and let them know there will be a political cost to allowing this to happen--we will vote them out of office!
Thank you for your time and attention. Please SHARE this as if your life depends on it.
Because it does.
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