Justice for kitten tortured with toothpicks

  • von: vicki fowkes
  • empfänger: Authorities, Yanhou Nanshan College/Nanshan District Shenzhen China

A kitten was purposely tortured with toothpicks to make the abuser some money through blackmail of an animals rights charity. 
The sick individual (Yanhou Nanshan College freshamn, Wang houhuan)  pushed the toothpicks thought the baby animals limbs and parts of its body and then sent the video to an animal charity demanding money to save the babies life. This person needs to be found and prosecuted for the abuse and wanton disregard for other living beings and their feelings be they human or kitten.
This case needs to set a precedent that animal abuse doesnt make you rich. https://twitter.com/i/status/1261804727693570048

Update #2vor 3 Jahren
Please if you can, share this petition as many times as you can so we can get justice for this tiny baby
Update #1vor 4 Jahren
Please, if you have signed then please keep on sharing. We can't get justice without a lot more signatures and the only way to get them is to share. Thank you all so very much. Each and everyone of you has restored my dwindling faith in humanity a little more. There is no news anywhere on an update of this situation so sadly I cant tell you if this baby survived or not but I can only hope the rescue he tried blackmailing, got the baby and helped it.
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