Demand an End to Cruel and Unnecessary Experiments on Pigs in New Zealand

  • von: Jared Milrad
  • empfänger: New Zealand's Institute of Environmental Science and Research

Supposedly in the name of science, researchers in New Zealand recently sedated several pigs and then shot them with handguns to "simulate backspatter of blood from cranial gunshot wounds." While the researchers admitted that "the anatomical differences between humans and animals... cannot be ignored," they proceeded with it anyway, needlessly killing several pigs in a useless, contrived, and brutal experiment.

Even if there were a real-life epidemic of pigs being shot at close range, having these highly intelligent, social animals tied to a table, then sedating and shooting them would be morally questionable at best. The New Zealand Institute of Environmental Science and Research has said that the experiment will not be repeated, but we need a guarantee that these types of tactics will never be used again. Animal lovers everywhere must demand that the they immediately vow to end these types of cruel, useless experiments, and instead focus on ethical, robust science that improves human and non-human lives.

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