Remove Kendall Jones' page of her killing animals for fun!

  • von: marie gignac
  • empfänger: Facebook (CEO-Mark Zuckerberg)

Facebook will not allow woman to post pictures of them naturally breast feeding their baby BUT will allow scum like this. Her family and everything are so proud of her on the page as well.  A spoiled brat killing for fun.

For the sake of all animals, especially the animals in the African region... where hunters are going for fun just to kill an animal! Some people have been reporting the pages lately but it seems Facebook is not concerned about what Kendall Jones is promoting in her page.This is her page >>>

We may never stop her from doing it which is disgusting enough. But this shouldn't be allowed! Facebook needs to remove this page and make sure she does not make another one! She's promoting animal killing for FUN.

Thank you for caring and signing!

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