• von: Tim Intravia
  • empfänger: Mets fans, baseball fans, anyone who wants to hear the best announcer in the game call his teams playoff run!

Mets fans have struggled through a lot. After almost a full decade, we finally are on the brink of guaranteeing a postseason berth. As the Playoffs begin, National TV steps in and makes the decisions regarding broadcasts. This means our guy Gary Cohen is about to sit at home and watch like us, we can't let that happen!

Gary Cohen; the guy who has called more Mets losses than wins, who has seen good, great and (mostly) awful Mets teams along with us is part of the reason a lot of us even watch(ed) the Mets, especially during those tough years

Now, as the Amazin's begin their (hopeful) dynasty run towards their first championship in 29 years, we need him in the booth!

If we get enough fans, signatures or just a loud enough voice, perhaps WWOR, SNY, the Wilpons or even Mr. Met will see to it that Gary Cohen gets to sit alongside Howie Rose for this 2015 playoff push and call the most important Mets games of the year. Who else would you rather hear describe a Cespedes HR or Familia save in game 7 of the World Series than Gary Cohen!?!

Help get Gary in the booth where he belongs!

Let's Do This! Let's Go Mets (fans)!

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