2024 presidential election recount efort

    i think there needs to be a full recount in the presidential in 2024 that way we know how the real winner is we can not accpet fraud results of trump i dont think he won because of certin things like elon musk helping him cheat with star link statlelight and elon musk mom tell people to cheat in voteing 50 to 100 times on twtter also know as x i think we need a recount in the election and if she has more votes then donald trump then she should be elected presdent for a full term of 4 years we most protect and keep our demcracy and preserve it i think trump lie and cheated with help from elon musk he should not be elected if he comitted these crimes and im calling on for something to be done about the election and we have a recount and if she has more votes then him that she should be certfily as the winner and be elected presdent for the full 4 year term and keep in mind trump lied to the american people and others the whole time he ran for presdent and tried to scared people into voteing for him and etc
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