Help stop the bull torture in Brazil

  • von: Mary Jane Robinson
  • empfänger: the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, Public Prosecutor of Santa Catarina, SC Government, Office of Tourism SC

Although outlawed by decision of the Supreme Court of Justice as decided after a civil lawsuit in 1997, this Brazilian version of bull torture still goes on every year in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina as a "heritage" of ancient costumes of the immigrants from the Açores. A "Spanish version" of bull torture continues to be tolerated in Santa Catarina and the legal procedures to stop this for good are not being adequately held either by the police or justice. Local politicians are allegedly linked to this torture providing the victims to the crowd in order to get votes on the next elections. If that is not the case, at times a whole town chips in so a bull can be bought for this sick “entertainment”. The complaints to the authorities do not seem to work. The police usually appears after the crime; those taking part in it, either actively or as the “audience” to such brutality (children included), are not indicted properly and, even worse, are immediately released. Strong repression against this hideous crime is immediately required.
Bulls are beaten, contained with ropes, have rocks thrown at them, pepper is thrown into their eyes; a gathering of people runs after the animals and attacks them with pieces of wood, knives and even forks or pitchforks. Sometimes they are set on fire deliberately. They might even drown if they are able to reach the sea in order to escape. Torture goes relentlessly on. Some of them might even have their limbs cut off so they are not able to run away.

The police seems powerless or unwilling to stop this crime, year after year. This happens mostly during the Holy Week reaching its climax on Easter day. The animals are usually kept alive for days before being murdered by the crowd and end up becoming a feast when a barbecue is served for the insane who perpetrated the crime during days in a row.
Please BOYCOTT TOURISM to Santa Catarina, Brazil, until this is conveniently repressed by the local police with hopefully the support of those politicians who only take advantage of people’s natural cruelty towards those who cannot protect themselves and don’t have a voice to ask for help.

Update #5vor 10 Jahren
It's Carnival time in Brazil. In around 40 days from now this torture will take place again! Would you help me get more signatures before I bring this petition to a close? I truly believe we can get many more signatures. The more the better. Thank you so much!
Update #4vor 10 Jahren
I'm about to close my petition. I'm just waiting the results for the "2nd round" of Brazilian elections for president so I finally get to know who will be in the offices to send the petition to the right people. Thank you for signing and please help me reach the 3,000 signatures or maybe even more.
Update #3vor 10 Jahren
Thank you all for the flood of signatures in the past few days. Thank you especially for Patricia who made it possible. It meant a lot not only to me but also and especially to the bulls! Still hope to reach 3000 signatures. Love to you all! You rock!
Update #2vor 11 Jahren
First of all I'd like to thank the Care2 team who helped me with the picture! Also thank you very much, all of you who have signed! Please help me spread the word. I'm sure there are many more out there who feel the same way we do about this barbaric, outrageous event.
Update #1vor 11 Jahren
Thank you so much for your support! I'm very proud of having been able to collect so many signatures in such short time. Let's hope for many more. Please spread the word! Muito obrigada! ("Thank you" in Portuguese!!)
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