Charge Heartless Couple with Animal Cruelty

Imagine getting out of your car and leaving a child at the side of a dusty road. You would not, would you? Then why does this heartless couple believe it is okay to leave a dog at the side of the road?

This poor dog in Bakersfield, California thinks that their owners are messing around with them and playing a game. However, the owners are not playing.

When the owner gets back in his car, all becomes clear. This poor dog has been abandoned by his family. Worst yet, the dog would have no idea that he is being abandoned.

Thankfully, the dog was taken into the care of an animal rescue. However, it is important that this couple is prosecuted by Bakersfield authorities for animal cruelty, to make to clear to other people that animal abandonment is a form of cruelty and should never be tolerated.

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