Stop dissecting animals in Hungary

  • von: Vegan Thinker
  • empfänger: Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary

This petition was submitted on 21st March 2022 for Viktor Orban, PM of Hungary. He never cared to respond. He is too busy stealing billions of Hungarian Forints from Hungarian citizens and destroying the country in every way. His new edict enables the complete destruction of all Hungarian forests. Neither does he care about the lives of animals, nor does he care about the lives of humans. He only cares about his fat belly and how to steal more money. He, together with other politicians, most probably enjoys the torture of animals and humans, as he likes to keep archaic "values". Just look at him!

Animals are opened alive and tortured in high schools, universities and countless research centers in Hungary – as well as worldwide – for no other reason than indoctrination, desensitization and to satisfy curiosity without any regard to the suffering of the animals. Dissection may take the form of vivisection or the opening of an animal that was previously murdered for the purpose of experimentation. While these horrific acts are done in the name of science, the one thing students learn is that they are entitled to do whatever they wish with weaker beings. Even the most monstrous act is acceptable if one claims it's in the name of science or when a pundit sanctions it in a legal paragraph. We all know that legality and morality often have no common ground.

Teachers and researchers could use a plethora of alternative methods, but instead, they continue to inflict misery on innocent creatures. Cold-hearted researchers would do anything to satisfy their curiosity or get a paycheck. In fact nowadays, scientists can hardly get notable positions without having a model animal (a species of animal used in research agendas, even when researchers study humans, not animals), because it has become a question of prestige in the research community. Despite the numbers contorted by the media, the true number of experimental animals is sharply increasing worldwide. The real numbers are unknown as they are vastly underreported. Some animal experiments do not need to be reported at all, not to mention secret experiments. These types of tests, which are probably among the most horrid, are done by the military. Furthermore, official numbers don't even include invertebrates, as those animals are uncounted and have zero rights. According to a recent publication (Taylor and Alvarez, 2019), about 192 million vertebrate animals were tortured in 2015 for scientific purposes – probably a severe underestimation of the real figures. In the meantime, major diseases still prevail, proving that experiments on animals are futile.

Please ask these Hungarian representative officials to immediately ban all experiments on all types of animals for good. Please ask students to spread this petition in universities that have biology or medical training, such as:

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar (Eotvos Lorand University, Faculty of Science, Budapest, Hungary):, e-mail:

Other organizations to contact to stop these atrocities on animals:
Állatkísérleti Tudományos Etikai Tanács (National Scientific Ethical Committee on Animal Experimentation):

Orbán Viktor, Miniszterelnök (Prime Minister of Hungary):

Dr. Semjén Zsolt, Miniszterelnök-helyettes (Deputy Prime Minister):

Please be prepared that most teachers, scientists and decision makers will not lift a finger to reduce the harm on animals. Instead, they are about to increase the number of experimental animals and their inflicted suffering. Therefore, talk to researchers, students, teachers, and step up!

Please read the Care2 petition below on the commendable viewpoint of a young student in the US and sign it:

Other links:
A recent case in a Hungarian high school:

Taylor and Alvarez (Altern Lab Anim, 2019):

Alternatives to animal testing:

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