Limits on Animal Experimentation With Detailed Activities At New Lab Facility
- von: Sue Lee
- empfänger: University Interim President Ana Mari Cauce
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to make specific demands of the University of Washington that is constructing a new animal science laboratory. All too often, these types of animal labs are cruel and abusive to animals and we are trying to ensure that all activities at this new lab is transparent and detailed with limitations on animal experimentation. We want to ensure the safety of these animals at this new lab.
News came to light in Washington that a new animal science laboratory is being constructed at the University of Washington and it is causing concerns for many animal activists. Protestors are swarming the sidewalks around the University in opposition of this new science lab.
We need to support them in voicing concerns about animals in this new lab facility. Since these plans are so private, one of the activists stated that "You can see the layers of secrecy surrounding this. The lab is being built underground and it will have grass on top of it.” Supposedly, the facility will be multi-species and expand current and future research and is set to open in August of 2017. We need your help through this petition to ensure that all activities at this new lab is transparent and detailed with limitations on animal experimentation. Please sign and share to spread the word!
University Interim President Ana Mari Cauce – There is, understandably, great concern regarding this new animal science lab that is currently under construction. We want to make some demands, that all research is open and transparent as well as, limiting animal experimentation, ensuring they are always being treated well and humanely.
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