A Dog Nearly Died After Being Left on a Balcony in Brutal Heat

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Harris County Constable Precinct 1

It is no secret that Houston gets brutally hot in summertime. Temperatures this past August broke records: the average daily high was a whopping 102.7 degrees Fahrenheit. These are dangerous temperatures for any pet. But one owner decided that they would leave town and literally leave their dog locked in the heat on a tiny balcony

When rescue teams arrived, it was almost too late. The poor dog was in such bad condition that they initially thought it was dead. Thankfully, they ended up saving this sweet pup's life.This is literal animal abuse, and this owner should never be allowed to own an animal again!

Sign now to demand Houston authorities ban these people from ever owning animals again!

After being out in the hot sun for hours, the poor pup was suffering from severe heat distress and hadn't had any water in hours, causing it to literally lie motionless in the extreme temperatures. There is absolutely no excuse for treating any animal this way. 

This pet's owner should never be allowed to own animals again! Put pressure on Houston authorities to do the right thing – sign this petition now!

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