Fire the cop who shot Opie the dog at his 5-year-old human brother's birthday party!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Wynnewood Police Department

A police officer showed up at a 5-year-old's birthday party and shot his dog to death in front of him. The police officer still has his job and has faced zero repercussions for his actions. 

Sign the petition to tell the Wynnewood, Oklahoma Police Department you expect they fire this officer.

Opie the dog was in the fenced in backyard and his family had just gone inside to cut birthday cake for their son Eli's birthday party when they heard the first gunshot. Opie was kicking and struggling to breathe in the last few minutes of his life until the police officer shot him twice to kill him while all the 5-year-old birthday party guests watched.

Police officer Josh Franklin showed up at the house ostensibly to serve a warrant for a 10-year-old case, even though he had been told the recipient of the warrant no longer lived there. The officer claimed Opie lunged at him and was aggressive. But Opie was inside a fence, no danger to the cop. And also, a dog that can hang out with kids at a 5-year-old's birthday party hardly seems like a dangerous, aggressive dog. Opie was an American Bulldog and Pitbull mix though, so the police officer probably just profiled him as aggressive.

Eli misses his best friend Opie so much, he even built Opie a small wooden cross. Eli has said it hurts to miss his best friend and it hurts that the police department hasn't even said sorry.

Add your name to demand the Wynnewood police department fires officer Franklin now.
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