FUNDAÇÃO FIOCRUZ, in partnership with Faculdade FASE, has decided to build a vivarium for animals to be used in laboratory in Petrópolis/RJ
It’s well known today that there are other methods that replace the use of the animal model with great advantage for purposes of learning and research. All it requires are necessary means. Therefore, funds considered for this objective will certainly be better used in the acquisition of simulators and softwares, a routine currently in use in advanced research. USP (São Paulo University), in Brazil, has been giving a good example and thus well acknowledged. Senciência Animal is a report presently circulating in all scientific media and it makes the awareness regarding pain, feelings, fears, etc. undisputable. Our Constitution is pretty clear in its article 225, paragraph 1st, item VII, when it defines as responsibility of the State to fight abuse and cruelty against animals. Our additional legislation, although still insufficient, expressly dictates that such practice are not legal once there are alternative resources.
The maintenance of a vivarium for laboratory animals has only one objective: to profit from sale of those animals for vivisection, without any need or academic justification. It’s nothing but a millionaire market, a direct adversary of the moral standards of society and of the international scientific community. We, the undersigned citizens, DON’T WANT to see the money of our taxes allocated to this kind of anti ethical and unnecessary practice for the true ‘progress’ of science. We believe now is the time for our authorities and universities to adequate themselves to regulatory mechanisms of society, to its laws, to a new ethical and scientific standard, internationally renowned.
FUNDAÇÃO FIOCRUZ, in partnership with Faculdade FASE, has decided to build a vivarium for animals to be used in laboratory in Petrópolis/RJ
It’s well known today that there are other methods that replace the use of the animal model with great advantage for purposes of learning and research. All it requires are necessary means. Therefore, funds considered for this objective will certainly be better used in the acquisition of simulators and softwares, a routine currently in use in advanced research. USP (São Paulo University), in Brazil, has been giving a good example and thus well acknowledged. Senciência Animal is a report presently circulating in all scientific media and it makes the awareness regarding pain, feelings, fears, etc. undisputable. Our Constitution is pretty clear in its article 225, paragraph 1st, item VII, when it defines as responsibility of the State to fight abuse and cruelty against animals. Our additional legislation, although still insufficient, expressly dictates that such practice are not legal once there are alternative resources.
The maintenance of a vivarium for laboratory animals has only one objective: to profit from sale of those animals for vivisection, without any need or academic justification. It’s nothing but a millionaire market, a direct adversary of the moral standards of society and of the international scientific community. We, the undersigned citizens, DON’T WANT to see the money of our taxes allocated to this kind of anti ethical and unnecessary practice for the true ‘progress’ of science. We believe now is the time for our authorities and universities to adequate themselves to regulatory mechanisms of society, to its laws, to a new ethical and scientific standard, internationally renowned.
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