Protect Littleport paddocks and create a beautiful nature reserve!

  • von: Jake Duff
  • empfänger: The littleport parish council
Let's stop development plans for the paddocks! They have been left natural so nature has already taken hold!
Bats, swifts, owls, woodpeckers and deer are amongst the species found on the site already without any management!
We have plenty of fields for bmx tracks and picnic areas so let's give Littleport something it NEEDS for our children and our families to enjoy!

Back proposals to create a nature reserve on the Littleport paddocks (behind limes close) now by signing this petition!

With all our native birds in decline and our hedgehogs in peral we must act now as a community!
In a nutshell;
It will be...
A place to walk,
A place to sit,
A place to think,
A place to relax,
A place for nature,
A place to learn,
A place to enjoy!
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