ANIMAL HELP is a not profit humane organization. We rescue wounded, ill and car crashed animals without owner and rescue mistreated animals from their owner, assist them and maintain them till they are adopted. In cases of mistreatment, we present denounces on the basis of Law 5657 of 1918 download it from this linkhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/5d7ehq2ga9tfzwg/LEY%2018.471%20con%20aclaraciones.doc?dl=0  , at the moment with the approval of law 18,471, it allows animal abuse, because of this we made modifications to law 5657 and are collecting signatures at present for its approval, in it we change animals from objects to subjects with rights.
I must explain the reasons for which we don’t approve the actual law 18.471, because it legalizes:
1. - Experimentation on animals.
2. -Sacrificial rituals with animals (they are tortured, they cut their throats and they die asphyxiated on their own blood while they continue being tortured as if they were objects without any rights).
3. - Everything which will help humans to profit from animals is authorized: savagery in spectacles, zoos and circuses with animal.
4.- Shooting animals as target.
5. - Use of poisons.
6. -Massive cruel slaughter of animals in case of dangerous deseases, intead of medication to cure them.
7. - Hunting.
8. - It prohibits bullfights if they are killed, in other words, if the bull isn’t killed, they can torture him, at least at the moment we don’t have bullfighting.
9. - The Wellfare Commission can go into private property. This Commission is integrated by 10 members and only one represents non profit humane orgs.
10. - Should we save a mistreated horse if when rescued can be sold to slaughterhouses? We don’t want them to generate economical income by abused and mistreated animals that are subsequently sold to slaughter houses and dogs may go to experimentation places.
Do you wish to help animals? ANIMAL HELP URUGUAY for wounded and mistreated animals. We have a huge dog overpopulation, please Subscribe or Donate by our Facebook & web ANIMAL HELP URUGUAY Please help us help.

In March09 they approved lay 18.741 whih doesn0t protect animals and legalizes their torture and murder.

In August09 they approved law 16.611 approving experimentation on animals!!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0msezskrrbdm90/LEY%2018.611%20DE%20EXPERIMENTACI%C3%93N.doc?dl=0

In February09 I made some changes to our law 5657 of 1918, here is the form together with the law to make sign the most people possible it needs the cicil credencial pof evry one that signs together with the identification card Ner. just print it https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsdb75n1h1qu3nx/Ley%205657%20con%20modificaciones%20y%20formulario%20de%20firmas.doc?dl=0

Estimado Presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay,

Cámara de Representantes,

                                        En nuestro país el maltrato animal ha crecido en forma extrema y los agresores no tienen sanciones acordes a la violencia infringida a los animales. Solicitamos se tomen en cuenta las modificaciones a la LEY 5657 propuestas por la O.N.G ANIMAL HELP para su aprobación y presentada la misma ante la Comisión de Legislación en Materia de Bienestar Animal el 6 de nov. 2013 y presentadas 10.000 firmas al Senador Martínez en el Parlamento en el 2010. Todos queremos una ley justa para los animales y con las modificaciones se torna en una ley de avazada y justa.

La ciudadanía, ONGs y Proteccionistas de animales, no toleramos ni experimentación, ni ritos con animales, ni zoológicos, ni circos con animales, ni espectáculos con animales, ni maltrato animal de ninguna índole. El que maltrata o mata un animal debe ser sancionado severamente, no solo con la requisa del animal sino con sanciones en unidades reajustables y/o cárcel equivalente de acuerdo a la gravedad de los hechos. Solicitamos la castración de caninos y felinos sea obligatoria, salvo excepciones justificadas. Escuelas primarias y secundarias impartirán como materia "Respeto animal y Tenencia Responsable de Animales" bajo los parámetros de respeto hacia toda vida. Solamente así, lograremos vivir en una sociedad armoniosa de respeto y solidaridad. Fomentemos los valores y la ética. El maltratador comienza su crueldad contra los animales, luego contra su familia y por último contra la sociedad. 

Que en su gobierno Uruguay brille en el mundo como país de avanzada.http://youtu.be/Wx11o3mipnU?list=UU3KOkPfpzBnJWzHTX0ZssZg

Update #3vor 10 Jahren
iMPRIME Y JUNTA LA MAYOR CANTIDAD DE FIRMAS PRA LOS DERECHOS DE LOS ANIMALES https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsdb75n1h1qu3nx/Ley%205657%20con%20modificaciones%20y%20formulario%20de%20firmas.doc?dl=0
Update #2vor 10 Jahren
ANIMAL HELP URUGUAY SANCTUARY CAMPAGN - Help us make from our animal rescue shelter an animal sanctuary. Please Donate or Subscribe, either in our FB or our website. Please spread and share our campagn so as to achieve this animal sanctuary for our rescued. Just subscribe or donate and you will achieve this miracle. www.animalhelpuruguay.org
We rescue wounded and mistreated animals. GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR HELP!!

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Help us make from our animal rescue shelter an animal sanctuary
Please Donate or Subscribe, either in our FB or our website. Please spread and share our campagn so as to achieve this animal sanctuary for our rescued. Click LIKE in our FB ANIMAL HELP URUGUAY so as to spread our message of love, peace and harmony worldwide. Just subscribe and you will achieve this miracle. www.animalhelpuruguay.org

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