Demand Webster Dictionary to Recognize that Yule is not Christmas!

  • von: Gyðja Dawn
  • empfänger: The Merriam Webster Dictionary

     An encyclopedia link below the Webster's Online Dictionary definition of 'Christmas' reaffirms that the birthday of Christ wasn't decided until a few centuries after he supposely died: "December 25 had already been identified by Sextus Julius Africanus in AD. 221 as the day on which Christmas would be celebrated, & it was celebrated in Rome by AD. 336." 
     Jol (Old Norse 'feast,' or 'wheel') had already been celebrated in Northern Europe for centuries prior to this, making the true origin & definition of Yule Heathen, not Christian. The definition of Yule should not refer people back to Christ's nativity in the dictionary.  Heathens want our ancient pagan holidays to have a definition that is independant of Christianity.  Yule is not Christmas.

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