The Captive Primate Safety Act Could Finally End the Cruel Pet Primate Trade

Primates are not suited for life as pets. Thankfully, the reintroduction of the Captive Primate Safety Act aims to end the cruel and dangerous pet primate trade in the United States. Nonhuman primates, who are highly intelligent and social, endure profound suffering and cause significant safety risks when kept as pets. This act, championed by bipartisan lawmakers, would prohibit the private possession of these animals, safeguarding both their welfare and public health.

Sign the petition to urge Congress to pass the Captive Primate Safety Act!

This legislation is crucial for ending the mistreatment of primates in private homes, where they are often kept in isolation and suffer from severe physical and mental trauma. 

Primates require specialized care and social interaction that typical pet owners cannot provide. Many are sold as infants and later become aggressive as they mature, posing a severe threat to their owners and others. Also, primates can transmit deadly diseases to humans, including Ebola and Tuberculosis, making their trade and possession a public health hazard.

By supporting this act, you are standing up for the humane treatment of all animals and ensuring the safety of our communities.

Sign this petition to encourage your representatives to support and expedite the passage of the Captive Primate Safety Act.

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