Get KREM 2 News of Spokane Wa to stop advertising rodeo and animal abuse on tv!

Krem 2 news advertises,supports and covers rodeo events in the area on there news station depicting animal abuse at rodeo's in the area! Chenny rodeo just this weekend in 100 degree weather? these animal are abused! Plain and simple, these people dont care that they are pushing there horses to the limits (wich are very subseptable to overheating like the one in the picture of the horse next door they ran around the arena in 90 degree heat until it feel over and died!) not to mention they dont even care about the cattle they are just tools of the trade and after injured are just butchered for there meat wich in most cases is bruised, broken bones and ribbs etc.. butchers will confirm the finding's and dont like seeing it! this happens next door to my house everyday! and Asotin county law enfrocemnet has actually threatend me for reporting it! so please sign my petition to get them to stop! and to bring justice an acountability to the sick people who perform these acts as well as law enforcment for not upholding the law as it is clearly stated under rcw laws! this also includes taking your dog for a ride in the back of your truck and in the cab unsecure and not seatbelted in! rcw transportation law! I think it was pretty oxy moron for them to show a story about the rescue of rogu the elephant, then a story about how they shut down the cherry picking early so none of the little kids/pickers would not suffer heat exhuastion and then cover the story of the chenny rodeo that went on into the evening! really? so its ok if the animals overheat but not the kid's? and what about the kids and dog they take to the rodeo? like I said oxy moron's

Thank you for caring and bless you all.

To the owners etc.. of spokane Krem2 news I have aksed you in the past and you ignore me, mock me by wearing your rodeo outfit on the show and plain just ignoring me, well lets see you ignore 5000 signatures! I am so sick of this! corrupt law enforcment, people performing felony's by condoling there young children to abuse animals and teaching them to perform these sicks acts of animal abuse with out any consequences! they all need to be held acountable and prosicuted accordingly including law enforcment! Please STOP THIS AT ONCE!

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