Holocaust Denier Arthur Jones Is the GOP Nominee for Illinois House Race
I was horrified to learn that Arthur Jones, a holocaust denier and known anti-Semite, will be the GOP's candidate for Illinois 3rd Congressional District. I live in Chicago and although I am registered as a Democrat, I thought surely enough reasonable Republicans would show up to stop him in the primary on March 20th. They did not.
An actual neo- Nazi is the Republican's candidate of choice and I want to make it known that we don't want him. Sign on if you want Arthur Jones to drop out of the race in shame.
At least 20,000 people in Illinois thought Arthur Jones should represent them. This is wildly embarrassing and scary, and even though the Republican party denounced him, they didn't run another candidate against him, which equals tacit support.
Please sign my petition to say that Arthur Jones is a hateful man and that you do not want to see him in any kind of power.
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