Urge China to Stop the Extinction of Elephants by Shutting Down its Trade in Ivory Immediately

  • von: Georgina B.
  • empfänger: Zhao Shucong, head of China’s State Forestry Administration

The Chinese government has announced it will “eventually” shut down its legal domestic ivory market, according to a report in Africa Geographic.

The move, which surprised conservationists, could provide a major boost in efforts to stop the mass killing of elephants for their ivory.

However, In the past several years, more than 100,000 elephants have been slaughtered in Africa; that is roughly 96 elephants a day, or one every 15 minutes.

Every day that China puts off shutting down its ivory trade, another 96 elephants will be slaughtered.

The situation is dire - elephants deserve better - they deserve action!

Will you join me in urging China to shut down its trade in ivory immediately by closing all ivory carving factories and all shops that sell ivory? The poaching will continue while there is still a market.

Please sign and share the petition.

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