evidence part 1: https://chng.it/qRHpjZHs7b
evidence part 2: https://chng.it/ZF6ZknrdvT
evidence part 3: https://chng.it/jpTqdJCqQx
The above evidence and the video exposes the plagiarism committed by Marek Kimmel in his book Branching Processes in Biology. Upon detailed comparison of Kimmel's work with original sources, it has come to light that Marek Kimmel has extensively plagiarized material, presenting others' ideas as his own without proper attribution. Everyone is the victim of Marek Kimmel's plagiarism.
Marek Kimmel's book "branching processes in biology" is plagiarism Kimmel's book, Branching Processes in Biology, contains extensive copied material without proper attribution. Kimmel neither uses quotations marks, nor cites the sources the end of the passages, which makes it difficult for readers to discern original contributions. By misrepresenting other people's work as his own, Kimmel is misattributing original authorship.
Marek Kimmel's plagiarism has detrimental effects on multiple levels.
1. Devaluation of original works
By taking credit for other people's ideas without proper attribution, Marek Kimmel is not only depriving original authors of the recognition they deserve, but also is misleading the public about the true source of the ideas. Intellectual theft like this erodes trust in academic work and contributes to an overall decline in the quality of scholarship. If Marek Kimmel's plagiarism goes unpunished, it can ultimately degrade the overall quality of academic work, and dilute the credibility of the entire academic field.
2. Distortion of the educational system
When students and scholars observe that Kimmel's plagiarism is not only tolerated but also rewarded, it sends a harmful message that intellectual dishonesty can be a shortcut to success. Kimmel's actions, if left unchallenged, could encourage a culture where students feel disincentivized to develop their own ideas and may resort to cheating or copying others' work. This, in turn, could lead to a generation of scholars who are less focused on original thought and critical analysis, contributing to a culture of mediocrity and diminishing the value of academic education.
3. Stifling innovation and harm to society
The consequences of Kimmel's academic dishonesty can extend far beyond academia. If Kimmel's plagiarized book influences public policy, or innovation, it could result in flawed or misleading information being used in decision-making processes. Given that Kimmel is working in fields like medicine, biology, and life sciences, Kimmel's plagiarism could lead to harmful consequences for public health and safety, potentially even endangering lives. The stifling of innovation and the spread of misinformation due to academic dishonesty can have wide-reaching, negative consequences for society as a whole.
Given the gravity of this issue, we respectfully urge the following actions:
1. Deterrence of academic dishonesty
Scholars, researchers, students, and the general public all lose when Marek Kimmel achieves success via plagiarism. It is important for law enforcement (e.g. Texa Attorney General's office) to protect public interest, and to prosecute Marek Kimmel for the theft of intellectual property
2. Retraction of NIH and NSF funds
Tax-payers money have been wasted on plagiarist Marek Kimmel. National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation must retract the funds that have been granted to Marek Kimmel.
3. Removal of Kimmel from educational system
Marek Kimmel sets a dangerous precedent for students and scholars, and creates an environment where shortcuts, such as copying others' work, are seen as an acceptable route to success. Relevant agencies should enforce strong penalties on Marek Kimmel.
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