WE DID IT !!!!!! SUGARS GOING HOME..... Save Sugar the Pit Bull from a Death Sentence

Sugar, a senior American Pit Bull Terrier, is facing a death sentence in Bristol after burglars caused her to breach the conditions of her exemption from the Dangerous Dogs Act.

The burglars entered Sugar's home, leaving the door in a way that she could open it. She now faces being killed by court order due to being outside unattended with no leash or muzzle (the breached conditions).

Although Sugar's breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier is classified as a dangerous dog breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act, Sugar is a gentle elderly dog who has been described as a 'hero' by her distraught owner. She did not harm anyone in any way. The breaches to her exemption were completely unavoidable and beyond the owner's control. Up to this point, he has done everything required by her licence.

Sugar should NOT be murdered. Please join us in our campaign to save her life.

We are also trying to raise funds towards Solicitor/court fees via paypal "savesugarslife@gmail.com"

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Please do not put Sugar to sleep, she has done nothing wrong, she cannot be blamed for being outside due to people breaking the Law and entering her home, subsequently leaving the door in a way that she could open it. Up until this point, Carl has done everything Legally required by him. Sugar is a much loved family member who did what many dogs do on a daily basis, which is to escape the family home, Sugars home, had however, been entered into. She would not have been outside, without a leash and muzzle if it were not for their actions. We plead with you to save her life.

Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Today Bristol Magistrates Courts have ruled that Sugar is NOT a dangerous dog and that Carl is a fit and responsible owner!!!... SUGARS GOING HOME !!!!!

This is amazing news... but the Law needs to change....... we still need to make a difference !!!
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