Amend Wisconsin Emergency Order #5

If you've been at the grocery store lately, you realize how long the lines are and how unsanitary it is to stand in line next to someone who may or not be infected with COVID-19.  86% of all those who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic, so there is no way to tell if you are standing next to a carrier.  Additionally, you may be touching a grocery cart that has not been disinfected. There are virtually no sanitary or disinfection stations at grocery stores, but Wisconsin residents currently have no other option to purchase food.

The purpose for this petition is to get enough signatures to call for Governor Evers to amend Emergency Order #5, effective April, 1, 2020.  This would create a more sanitary environment for the community, and allow all Wisconsin restaurants to:

  1. Reinstate table dining under their normal floor arrangement.
  2. Have bar seating, provided one seating space is kept as distance between each seat
  3. No standing or ordering at bar area unless seated.
  4. Admit no more than 50% maximum capacity per local codes, but no more than seating allows in dining or bar areas.
  5. Call Governor Evers office as well at 608-266-1212, and let him know you don't want to be forced to go to a grocery store for food.

Why Amend or Order?

  • Antivirals - With the FDA approving Chloroquine combined with other medications as both a preventative and treatment for COVID-19, the number of cases and deaths will be reduced and cases will be cured and prevented. It is time to begin unwinding this order as the risk regarding this virus has been greatly diminished with this mandate.
  • Better Sanitary Conditions - Allowing only grocery stores to sell food has caused the unintended consequence of tremendous traffic, long lines, and therefore unsanitary conditions. This is detrimental to the prevention of COVID-19.  With the above guidelines, restaurants can be just as sanitary, if not more so than grocery stores.
  • Economic Loss - Restaurants are suffering as much as or more than any type of small business in the state. They cannot sustain themselves on carry out alone.  Many will go under or suffer tremendous financial loss if they are not immediately allowed to resume somewhat normal operations.  The consumer also needs this option not only as a convenience, but as a necessity.
  • Loss of Employment – most restaurants have had to lay off much of their staff, and many of these employees will be out of work for months under the current Order. This is causing unnecessary pain and suffering for these employees and their families, who will subsequently also suffer tremendous hardship and financial loss.

Please share this page, and let's get the Wisconsin Restaurant business back up and running as soon as possible.

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