Forest Hills School/Richland school Policy on temporary bus transfers

I am a mother of a Forest Hills Elementary school student who works full time with shifts that can require and early start time or later end time. I rely heavily on the bus for transportation as well as help from family members that live in the school district to assist me with putting her on/taking her off the bus at their house with their children on rare occasions. I work full time and once in awhile I will have to stay later or come in early which is a conflict with the bus schedule. We are now being told this school year that there are not allowed one day bus transfers with a note unless the switch is permanent or the situation is an emergency. The most recent event happened today when I was told I can't have my daughter get on a family members bus two of the days this week in the morning. I have been summoned to appear for Jury Duty which requires me to be there at 8:30 am and I can't be home to ensure my child gets on the bus. I do not feel that this is right that we are no longer allowed to switch buses, with a reasonable excuse, and I am sure there are a lot of other families being affected by this bus rule change. They would rather us leave our children home alone, put themselves on the bus which is not safe in today's world or even worse; skip school.

I understand that they made this policy because there were those abusing the rule, but there should be some circumstances and precautions they can follow! I would like to see this bus rule be changed! We should be allowed to send a note like every other year as long as it is a reasonable excuse.

Update #1vor 4 Jahren
Thank you for all the support so far! It is breaking my heart to hear about the families this change has affected. Please, continue to share the link for the petition and get your story/situation out there. I plan on presenting this to the principal and the school board. They need to hear from the parents and the families that are affected. I am now aware that this is happening in Richland as well and the word needs to get out!! I read each of your reasons, hopefully the school will too!
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