Say no to 112 houses taking over foots farm

Foots farm is a riding school for children and adults of all abilities and ages, including disabled people. The farm plays a big part in many people's lives, changing them for the better. It helps little girls and boys live their dreams at costs families can afford, whilst keeping children off the streets and safe.

However, Foots Farm is at risk of closure. We have been told that 112 houses may be built in its place and the farm would need to be demolished.

It's not just about the land - it's about the animals being rushed off to private homes to stop anything bad happening to them. It's the wildlife that live on the land, like bats at Foots Farm - what will happen to them? This is their home and has been for many many years.

We're not going to let foots farm go without a fight. Reg, who has now passed away, put everything into that farm. He and his son John went out of their way and fought to bring disabled riding to foots farm to make the riding experiences of people with disabilities no different to those without. The farm was his life and many other people's lives.

This is why we need you to sign and share this petition to save Foots Farm from being demolished and 112 houses being built in its place!

Please just take a moment and stand up for foots farm and sign this petition, to keep foots farm alive!

Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Hello! Thankyou so much for signing our petition against the closing of foots farm, just to inform you on Tuesday the 25th of August at 6pm there is a meeting held to discuss this at the town hall princess theatre the more people who can come the better, so please if you can come, do! We need everyone's support to stand up and say no if we have any chance of stopping this!
Thankyou again!!
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