Support S.386 The Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019

The honorable Senator Marco Rubio

Dear Senators Marco Rubio,

On behalf of Global Soft Technologies LLC, I write in support of S. 386, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019.

Because of an obsolete law that imposes a 7% ceiling on the number of green cards that the government can issue to nationals of any country, many of our employees are facing decades of waiting for their green cards. Having any foreign worker wait that long is untenable and limiting their ability to switch employers and positions ultimately restricts their ability to contribute to our economy.

The Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 would phase out the per-country ceiling and reduce green card wait times for workers caught in the green card backlog. The legislation includes a "do no harm" provision that ensures that no immigrant currently in the green card process will see longer wait times due to passage of this bill.
We request Senator Marco Rubio to support and vote for passage of this bill which would help many high tech foreign workers.

Sudha Lakkaniki
HR Manager
Global Soft Technologies LLC

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