Take a Photo Opportunity Sims3 Is Not Working

  • von: Mari 's
  • empfänger: EA / Sims 3 Creators

I have taken this opportunity many times only to be let down.  The photo opportunities while traveling to Egypt, China, France do not work. Right now I have the opportunity called Deliver Photographs of Pile of Ancient Coins to Helmi Hosni in Egypt.  I took five different photos of Ancient Coins then took them out of my camera and it still is claiming.... You do not have all the required items in your inventory.  Photographs of Pile of Ancient Coins from the Al Simhara Board of Tourism does not work.  In one photograph there are in face five piles of coins in one photo but no matter if I leave them in my Hikton QX40di Gladiator or not it still claimg I have taken zero photo??  Please sign if you are experiencing this glitch as well.  I have found no Mod that will fix this either.

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