Beautiful Wild Sheep and Goats Are Being Illegally Killed and Traded in Myanmar

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Myanmar's Customs Department
A new report paints a scary picture of the state of wild sheep and goat conservation in Southeast Asia. According to the investigation, products made from the bodies of over one thousand wild goats and sheep have been sold at markets across Myanmar.

These animals often receive less attention from conservation groups, but they deserve protection, too!

Sign now to demand Myanmar's Customs Department strengthen its enforcement of illegal trade and trafficking of animal products!

These free-roaming, innocent creatures are highly threatened by the demand for their meat and other body parts -- namely horns, that are used for making traditional medicine or kept as trophies. Sheep and goats are ripped from their herd, slaughtered, torn apart, and sold piece by piece.

While there is certainly some demand within the country for these products, experts think a "significant customer base" doesn't even live in Myanmar, but instead lives in its bordering countries. This type of cross-border trafficking already violates international regulations. This means we don't even need to change any laws or policies, they just need to be actually enforced!

We need to protect these wild animals from the horrific violence of illegal trafficking. This means Myanmar must step up to protect the goats and sheep that live within its borders! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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