Cat Declawing Is A Horrific Form of Abuse. It's time to Ban It!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Illinois State Legislators

By now, most people know that declawing cats is a horribly abusive practice. Yet, for some reason, people still choose to do it. Declawing cats is so harmful that it's equal to amputating the last knuckles of a human hand. Quite simply, it's barbaric. Thankfully, in a crucial step forward in animal welfare, the Evanston Illinois City Council just voted to ban cat declawing. It's time for the rest of Illinois to follow Evanston's compassionate lead.

Sign the petition to demand the state of Illinois ban the horrific practice of declawing cats!

Imagine enduring a procedure that removes part of your fingers just for someone else's convenience. Cats' claws are integral to their natural behaviors like scratching and stretching. 

Declawing not only causes severe pain but also affects their ability to move, balance, and defend themselves. It can also lead to lifelong complications including chronic pain, disability, and behavioral issues that often result in more cats being surrendered to shelters. 

With a declawing ban in place, we can push for humane alternatives like scratching posts and nail trimming to manage natural cat behaviors.

Sign this petition to urge Illinois state legislators to enact a statewide ban on declawing, ensuring no cat has to endure this cruel surgery again.

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