Revive Wizardry Online

Wizardry Online, a Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game (MMORPG) published by Sony Online Entertainment in 2012, was shut down permanently on July 31, 2014, renduring it unavailable for North America. Wizardry Online is based off the iconic Role-playing PC game Wizardry Series developed by Sir-Tech which has spawned 9 titles from 1980 to 2001 and has since inspired countless PC role-playing games. Wizardry also had significant influence on early console RPGs such as Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy.

The gaming community of Wizardry Online is currently seeking a gaming publisher that will partner up with Gamepot and ultimately revive our game for our Northern American players. Developed by Gamepot, Wizardry Online has great success in Japan and we believe it has the maximum capacity to be successful in Northern America as well if given the chance it respectfully deserves. 

Jessica Fox
Check us out on Facebook [HERE] and [HERE]

Update #3vor 5 Jahren
Good news! There is a community effort in reverse engineering Wizardry Online! All we need is help and support from the community.

If you have skills in debugging, reverse engineering, assembly, or de-compiling then we could use your help. GitHub has everything you need to get you started!

Remember, the community is the back bone in ANY MMO so if you do not possess the skills mentioned above, we could still use your support!

For more info, check out the discord:
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
We must not stop this war to bring back Wizardry Online! We must BAND TOGETHER and FIGHT!

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Thank you all for taking the time to sign the Wizardry Online Revival petition. This is a courtesy update letting you know that the Wizardry Online community is starting to make more of an impact on the net as more and more sites continue to talk about the action being taken.

Please join us on

Facebook page:

Facebook group:

We hope to see you there! Thank you for your support!


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