Virginia just outlawed the sale of cosmetics tested on animals, but 46 other states still allow it!

Amazing news for animal lovers: Virginia recently passed a law that bans the sale of any cosmetics that have been recently tested on animals! Testing on animals for cosmetic products is cruel and inhumane, not to mention wholly unnecessary. We now have plenty of alternative ways to test safety that don't involve harming helpless animals. 

Will you sign the petition asking for federal legislation to ban the sale of cosmetics tested on animals in the U.S.?

Testing on animals involves injecting them with potentially toxic materials, putting those materials in their eyes and on their skin, and more. Popular animals used for this kind of testing are bunnies, guinea pigs, mice, and even dogs! The poor creatures live their whole lives in cages being poked and prodded and subjected to significant pain. 

But there is just no reason to do this anymore! Not only are most of the materials used in cosmetics already safety tested, we have advanced scientific methods that allow us to do the same type of safety testing without living, breathing, feeling subjects. Companies that test cosmetics on defenseless animals are just holding onto old habits and practices, and we need to put our foot down! 

Already Illinois, California, Nevada and now Virginia have banned the sale of these products newly tested on animals. It's time for the entire country to follow suit! 

Sign the petition to finally ban the sale of products tested on animals!

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