Protect our oceans and the marine life in it from further acidification.

  • von: Cassie Beato
  • empfänger: President Obama, the EPA as well as the General Public

We must all do what we can as a society to reduce our carbon footprint. Twenty-six percent of Co2 produced by humans goes into the ocean which causes a decrease in the water's PH . This causes a dramatic change in water temperature which affects coral reefs, the marine life that lives in the oceans as well as fisheries and the rate at wich the polar ice caps are melting.  If we keep producing much more CO2, at the end of this century, certain countries will be under water and several coast lines will be receeding. The world is 70% water and one of our largest resources; we need to learn how to conserve it and its inhabitants. Please help me by signing and fowarding this petiton. 

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