" Urgent " Abolish the Sterotyping/Breed Discrimination "Ban of Pitbulls " law soon to be in-effect.

  • von: Joanne Wilson
  • empfänger: The Mayor of the city of Montreal - Denis Coderre

Sentenced to Die.... Their crime.... They were born a Pit Bull. 

Should society start to Ban certain human races from being in our cities and Provinces if only a few have committed a murder or crime of aggression who harm others? Of course not ! But that is exactly what this Ban represents. 

Do humans have a right to cause a breed to become extinct?

We cannot/should not go there as a society.
This action is condoning Sterotyping and Discrimination and it should not be acceptable for any cause....Where will it Stop?
Will every Dog Owner eventually be subject to choosing only a Dog Breed acceptable to Government Standards? Will we have Government Approved Breeding Next? 

What about shelter dogs that could/may be part pit bull, should they receive a death sentence too? These are ethical questions.
We must not go in this direction as conscience compassionate humans   who are making an effort to control possible bad incidents. A possible solution is to make all current Pit Bull owners responsible to train, neuter, socialize, perhaps muzzle in public, and take responsibility for the actions of their dog, impose hefty fines for any damages, these actions in themselves should result in serious consideration of even owning a Pit Bull. 

It is unfair, unjust, and a criminal act of breed discrimination to 
subject/impose upon current Pit Bull Owners to abandon their pets, this does not solve a problem, it creates another.
This petition is asking the Mayor Denis Coderre to reconsider and Stop the Ban on all Pit Bulls. The act of imposing strict guidelines for owners to conform to and abide by could result in solving this problem. All Pit Bulls should not be condemned because of the negligence of a few Pit Bull owners.

We need to have Compassion and respect for all animals. 

" The Greatness of a Nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated. " Ghandi

Update #1vor 8 Jahren

More information on the Pitbull issue is here with a interview on our June 21 - CTV Montreal News
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