Send Marc's Parrots to a Sanctuary

  • von: Amy Schaffer
  • empfänger: Marc's Midtown, owned by Marc Glassman Inc.

Marc's Midtown in Parma, Ohio, is owned by Marc Glassman Inc.  It is a busy, loud grocery store.  In the corner of the store there is an enclosure with two lonely parrots.  Marc's workers have enough to worry about, who has time to care for and interact with two parrots living in a grocery store?

These beautiful, intelligent parrots deserve better.  They live such long lives, let them live away from bright lights and blaring music.  Marc's needs to send them to a sanctuary where they will live in peace and be properly cared for and loved.

Please sign and tell Marc's that what they are doing is wrong- parrots don't belong in a grocery store.

Thank you for your support in helping these parrots.  Please share this petition if possible!

Update #3vor 3 Jahren
In April, a company offered to upgrade and redesign the parrot cages, to show the public what good avian care should look like and set a positive example for other bird owners. Their new enclosures would have better perches and toys to keep the parrots engaged.

Marc Glassman's email is The least he could do is provide the North Ridgeville parrots a decent living environment if he refuses to send them to a sanctuary.

Thank you!
Update #2vor 3 Jahren
The parrots and the cage are now gone from Marc's in Parma. An employee stated the manager took one bird and the other was relocated to the Marc's in Middleburg Heights.

I didn't know the Marc's in Middleburg Heights and North Ridgeville also have parrots. I visited the North Ridgeville location and found the parrots in worse shape than the ones that were in Parma. The birds have tattered feathers, which shows they are stressed. These intelligent, active animals deserve better.
Update #1vor 4 Jahren
When I complain about the environment these parrots are forced to live in, the response I receive is, "The manager will ensure the cage is cleaned in the morning."

That is not enough.
-They deserve to be in the care of someone who loves them and has the time to care for them properly.
-They deserve a life filled with climbing, swinging, playing with toys that keep them engaged, and baths.
-They should be able to explore their surroundings and get exercise.
-They should have fresh fruits and vegetables.
-They should see a vet at least once a year for a checkup to address and prevent any health issues.

These parrots have an average life span of 50 years. This is not how their life should be spent. Please share this petition if possible.

Thank you for being a voice for these parrots!
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