We need your help to stop animals being tortured by the chemicals in Anti-Freeze. This product is killing thousands of animals every day and is a danger to anyone. It has a sweet smell which attracts animals, especially cats and they drink it for its sweet taste. They don't know this but a teaspoon is enough to guarantee organ failure unless treated immediately.
Some people leave some Anti-Freeze out for animals to drink because they care about their gardens more than they care about the well being of our animals. This is disgraceful. I would like the company of Anti-Freeze to add another chemical into their product so it smells and tastes bitter to animals so they will not be lured towards this sweet substance which is deadly.
Considering Anti-Freeze is a huge world wide company I doubt we will be able to persuade them to change their product so this petition is to try to stop people putting out Anti-Freeze as it will kill peoples pets and any wildlife, this is devastating for any pet owner, I would know this as last year I lost a cat to this torturous substance and just a couple of days ago this unfortunate event happened yet again to my other cat. Please help me achieve this by signing. Thank you.