Stop Oil Drilling Plans in Forest Elephant Corridor

An important migratory green corridor which endangered forest elephants use to travel between Cameroon and Nigeria is at risk of being auctioned off for oil drilling on a protected wildlife reserve; The Ejagham Forest Reserve.

The Ejagham Forest Reserve is a green corridor between the Korup National Park in Cameroon and the Cross River National Park in Nigeria. The area has aleady been illegally clearcut for palm oil plantations on the wildlife sanctuary.

With endangered African forest elephants in a crises that poaching has created, this area needs to be protected from oil drilling now more than ever. There has been a 62% decline in 9 years, and it is estimated that they could be extinct withn 7 years. It is estimated that there are only 1,700 remaining between two protected Cameroonian parks, The Ejagham Forest Reserve and The Douala Edéa Wildlife Reserve.

Tell Cameroon to cancel oil drilling licences on these protected sanctuaries and protect the endangered forest elephant corridor critical to their survival.


Cameroon President Paul Biya
Phone : (237) 22 23 40 25 : Extension: 43 94
Write to the President:

An important migratory green corridor which endangered forest elephants use to travel between Cameroon and Nigeria is at risk of being auctioned off for oil drilling on a protected wildlife reserve; The Ejagham Forest Reserve.

The Ejagham Forest Reserve is a green corridor between the Korup National Park in Cameroon and the Cross River National Park in Nigeria. The area has aleady been illegally clearcut for palm oil plantations on the wildlife sanctuary. Read more here:

With endangered African forest elephants in a crises that poaching has created, this area needs to be protected from oil drilling now more than ever. There has been a 62% decline in 9 years, and it is estimated that they could be extinct withn 7 years. It is estimated that there are only 1,700 remaining between two protected Cameroonian parks, The Ejagham Forest Reserve and The Douala Edéa Wildlife Reserve.

Tell Cameroon to cancel oil drilling licences on these protected sanctuaries and protect the endangered forest elephant corridor critical to their survival.


Cameroon President Paul Biya
Phone : (237) 22 23 40 25 : Extension: 43 94
Write to the President:

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