Stop Nursing Home Abuse of the Elderly

In 2011 I caught on hidden video eight aids abusing Esther Mitzi Piskor in a nursing home.  Virgen Caraballo brutally abused a 78 year Esther Mitzi Piskor in a nursing home in 2011. She would toss her onto the bed, drop her in her wheelchair and jab her in the face, just to name a few. She was indicted on 13 counts of Felony 4 Elderly abuse and plea bargained down to 7 counts. The Judge gave her 18 months and a $250 fine on each count, 10 1/2 years total. Maria Carban was sentenced to six months in jail, three other aids were fired and three were disciplined, also on additional aid was found to have a felony record.

I only caught a small portion of the abuse my mother endured for a six week period.  These aids were with her the entire 30 months she was in this nursing home.

We must stop nursing home abuse, it happens in every nursing home across the country and around the world.  Every time a hidden camera is used it catches abuse.  Other nursing homes have said, "this does not happen in our in our nursing home".  The nursing home that did the abuse said the same thing, it was a five star nursing home.  There are a lot of good aids and nurses that do their job, we don't want the ones that don't.

Changes must be made.  The Department of Health is not qualified to investigate a crime.  This must be taken away from them.  The State Ohio Attorney must do the investigations.  Cameras are being used in several other states in residents rooms, this is not a violation of anyone rights, it is there to protect the elderly from abuse.  We must send this petition to all of Congress and all of the Senate to get tougher legislation on nursing home and home health care abuse of the elderly.

This petition was originally posted to keep Virgen Caraballo in prison, and the judge did.  It is now a petition to prevent nursing home abuse of the elderly.

google Esther Piskor and view more videos

video of a small portion of the abus

Update #2vor 5 Jahren
Late this afternoon the Judge denied Virgen Caraballos early release. All the attention this case got made her look much closer at this case. This petition will be sent to newly elected Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio as soon as he takes office. Governor Elect Mike DeWine is one of the rare politicians that stood up to Nursing Home Abuse. DeWine said he did this because of the abuse of Esther Piskor and the success they had in prosecuting the case. So Keep signing and sharing.
Update #1vor 5 Jahren
We have passed our goal of 1000 signatures, but it is far from over. Please keep up this fight, and share this post to all of your social media sites, blogs, and through email. This list of signatures will also go to politicians across the country. This is an opportunity to get legislation on nursing home reform. Placing cameras in residents rooms tougher penalties for abuse of the elderly. Make nursing homes responsible for the care of the elderly.
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